Excess Body Acid

What are the Consequences
of Excess Body Acid?

Watch the following "Acidosis Cycle of Illness" video to find out

Learn the Many Benefits
of Reducing Excess Body Acid

Watch "The pH-Balanced Cycle of Health" video below

No matter what approach you choose to address your health needs, it won't be as effective as when your pH level is in the optimal range.

Body over-acidity - which can become a dangerous condition that weakens the structure and function of all body systems - is very common today due to aging, diet, stress, toxins and potent prescription drugs. And when the alkaline reserves in your body become depleted from the process of neutralizing excess body acid, you body becomes weakened and vulnerable.

Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline environment (the opposite end of the range from acidic.) And research shows that unless the body's pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot heal itself. So, no matter what approach you choose to address your health needs, it won't be as effective until your pH level is in the optimal range. Plus, if your pH is not properly balanced, your body cannot effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements.

Integrative Medicine Magazine Made the Point in Even More Unequivacal Terms

"A growing body of research has documented not only that *acidosis* (excess body acid) is a real phenomenon, but that it is now known to contribute to a wide range of diseases.

"In many ways, we can consider acidosis as the constant pressure on the body’s physiology to compensate for all the acid-inducing challenges. The body is subjected to excess acid pressure primarily in 3 ways: diet/beverages, drugs, and disrupted metabolism. Acidosis only occurs when compensatory measures become overwhelmed.

"Equally important, although the blood pH does not change, the pH in the cells and intracellular space becomes more acidic, causing disruption of enzyme function, loss of insulin sensitivity and cellular metabolic adaptations.

[Acidosis: An Old Idea Validated by New Research , Joe Pizzorno, ND,
Editor in Chief, Integrative Medicine, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2015]

From the Jounral of Integrated Medicine | Feb 2015, pg 8-12

Acidosis: An Old Idea Validated by New Research

By: Joseph Pizzorno, ND, Editor in Chief

The idea that “being too acid” contributes to disease susceptibility, especially cancer, has been around for a long time in the natural/integrative medicine world. This concept was easily discounted by conventional medicine as measuring blood pH on various types of diets showed no change.

Up until about 10 years ago, no research existed to counter this skepticism. However, since then, a growing body of research has documented not only that “acidosis” is a real phenomenon, but that it is now known to contribute to a wide range of diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, cancer, osteoporosis, kidney stones, and increased susceptibility to environmental toxins—and new research is adding to the list. In this editorial, I will review the biochemistry the various food components, soft drinks, prescription drugs, and metabolic dysfunctions affect the acid/base balance of cells...

Read Full Article >

"...acidosis is a real phenomenon...
known to contribute to a
wide range of diseases..."

Read original article at www.ncbi.com
(National Center for Biotechnology Information)



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